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The website is operated by EQUITY NATION, a company registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 90255331200015, with its headquarters located at 139 Rue de l'Ouest, 75014 Paris. You can contact us via email at Our VAT number is 08902553312.

The publication director is Fatou Ndiaye.

The design, creation, and development of the website were carried out by Pauline Miqueu Petit.


EQUITY NATION strives to ensure that users have access to the site at all times. However, we cannot be held responsible for any site unavailability for any reason. 


Users acknowledge that they have read and agree to this legal notice. They confirm that they possess the necessary skills and resources to access and use the site and that their computer configuration is virus-free and in proper working order.

EQUITY NATION cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on the site, nor its continuous operation, nor the complete absence of viruses or other harmful components. While we make every effort to provide users with reliable information and tools, we cannot be held liable for any errors, lack of availability of information, or presence of viruses or other harmful components on our site.

The information provided by EQUITY NATION is for informational purposes only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information published on the site.

Users acknowledge that they use the information and tools available on the site at their own risk.

Intellectual property rights

The website as a whole, as well as each of its individual components, including specific programs and developments, and content including data, texts, still or animated images, logos, sounds, graphics, and files, are the exclusive property of EQUITY NATION or third parties who have granted it a license. Any full or partial representation of the site or any of its elements without the express authorization of EQUITY NATION is prohibited and constitutes an infringement sanctioned by Articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.

The databases appearing on the site are protected by Articles L.341-1 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code, and any substantial extraction or reuse, whether qualitatively or quantitatively significant, of the content of the databases is subject to penalties.

The trademarks and logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks of EQUITY NATION or third parties. Any reproduction, imitation, or use, in whole or in part, of these distinctive signs without express authorization and in violation of the prohibitions set out in Articles L.713-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code engages the responsibility of the author.

Other distinctive signs, including corporate names, trade names, signs, and domain names reproduced on the site, are the property of EQUITY NATION or third parties, and any reproduction without express authorization may constitute an infringement engaging the responsibility of its author under Article 1240 of the French Civil Code.


EQUITY NATION reserves the right to remove links to third-party websites from its site.

Users are not permitted to create deep links to this site without prior written consent from EQUITY NATION.

Applicable Law

This site is governed by French law.


The company reserves the right to modify the content of this legal notice at any time and without notice. The user is therefore invited to consult it regularly.


Last updated on: 11/06/2024

EQUITY NATION undertakes to implement all necessary measures to ensure that the data is processed in accordance with the applicable regulations, in particular EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data, hereinafter referred to as "GDPR", and the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978.

By using the website (hereinafter the "Website"), you accept this Privacy Policy (hereinafter the "Policy"). Its purpose is to define the terms of data processing in the context of the use of the Website.

EQUITY NATION reserves the right to modify the Policy at any time. In the event of a modification, we undertake to publish the latest version on the Website, indicating the date of the last update. Therefore, it is your responsibility to regularly consult the Website to be informed of any changes.

Your data is collected by: EQUITY NATION

Postal address: 139 Rue de l'Ouest 75014 PARIS
Company identification: No. 90255331200015

“Personal data” means any data relating to a natural person, identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly.

When operating the Website, EQUITY NATION may process certain personal data. EQUITY NATION undertakes to process only the data strictly necessary for the purposes sought, in particular with regard to recruitment and communication with users.


To use the services available on the Website, you must register, which requires the communication of certain personal data.

When filling out the contact form to send a request, we must ask you to provide information relating to your identity (Name) and your contact address (E-mail), to specify the subject and to write the body of your message.

The collection of this data is necessary so that EQUITY NATION can process your requests as quickly and efficiently as possible.

When you browse our Website, EQUITY NATION may collect, in accordance with the regulations in force and subject to prior consent when required, data relating to your browsing and the terminals or networks from which you access the Website, such as: your IP address, your browsing data on the Website, the content you view, your preferred language, the type and version of the browser used, etc.

This data is collected for the sole purpose of providing a smooth browsing experience on the Website and optimizing its functionality.

Cookies are one of the technological tools that EQUITY NATION uses to ensure the proper functioning of its activities. Cookies are encrypted data files that are downloaded to your terminal when you access the Website. They help the system to recognize you and remember your choices.

To ensure that our services are compatible with the features of your device (computer, mobile or tablet), cookies are used by EQUITY NATION to:
– Collect information relating to your browsing habits,
– Analyze the flow of visitors and use of the Website.

This technique allows EQUITY NATION to process statistics and traffic information, in order to improve our services and provide a better experience.

Session cookies record technical information while you navigate from one page to another on the Website and disappear as soon as you leave the Website.

Functionality cookies allow the Website to recognize you when you next visit the Website, and to provide personalized features. These are permanent cookies that remain stored on your device until they expire or are deleted using the browser features.

In accordance with current regulations, EQUITY NATION has updated its privacy policy regarding cookies. Several means are available to you, as a user, to delete cookies. Although most browsers are configured by default, you can deactivate one or more cookies, refuse their deposit or withdraw your consent. You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis, or systematically refuse them as a whole.

You can also manage the cookies used on the Website by adjusting the browser settings on your devices (tablets, smartphones, computers). The configuration for each browser is described in the corresponding Help menu. In general, you must click on the "Settings" tab, then go to "Options" or "Preferences".

For Chrome Firefox: At the top of the browser window, click the Firefox button, then go to the Options tab. Click the Privacy tab. Set the record retention rules to: Use custom settings for history. Deselect the tab to disable cookies.
For Safari: In the upper-right corner of the browser window, click the Menu icon (symbolized by a gear). Select "Settings" and then click "Show advanced settings". In the "Privacy" section, click "Content settings". In the "Cookies" section, you can block cookies.
For other browsers: In the upper-right corner of the browser window, click the Menu icon (symbolized by three horizontal lines). Select "Settings" and then click Preferences. By clicking the "Privacy" tab, you can block cookies.
When you reject a cookie using the settings explained above, a cookie is stored in your browser to identify you as a person who has rejected cookies. If you delete the cookie from your browser or log in again from another browser or computer, you will need to repeat the procedure to reject cookies.

We would like to inform you, however, that depending on the selected parameters, the conditions of access to the Website and its functionalities may be modified, for which EQUITY NATION cannot be held responsible.

Unless you take steps to disable cookies, by browsing our Website you implicitly consent to their use.


EQUITY NATION will only retain your personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, in accordance with applicable regulations.

Upon expiry of this period, we archive all personal data necessary to exercise or justify a right for a period equivalent to the applicable limitation period, or to fulfill any legal obligation incumbent on us.

The information stored through cookies, as described above, will be retained for a period of up to thirteen (13) months, in accordance with current regulations.
With regard to applications submitted via the Website, EQUITY NATION retains the files (CV and cover letter) for a period of up to two (2) years for the purpose of future recruitment, unless the candidate expressly requests the deletion of his file.

EQUITY NATION undertakes to implement all organizational, technical or software measures necessary to guarantee the physical and digital security of your personal data and prevent any breach of privacy: unauthorized access, loss, disclosure, alteration, etc.

The data collected and processed by EQUITY NATION via the Website are shared with our internal team, whose members are required to maintain confidentiality. The data may also be transferred, where applicable, to our official service providers (particularly in IT matters) for the purposes set out above.

EQUITY NATION will not sell or share the collected data, nor transmit it to third parties, with or without compensation.
Where applicable, the data may be shared with the competent authorities or courts to meet legal and regulatory requirements. In this case, we will take all appropriate measures to inform you in advance, unless legally prohibited.

In accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force, in particular the GDPR, you may exercise your rights at any time as a person concerned by the processing of your data.

Right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent where the processing is based on that consent, and any prior processing will remain lawful. (Art. 7 GDPR)
Right of access: You may request to be informed of the information concerning you, held and processed by EQUITY NATION and to receive a copy by e-mail upon request. (Art. 15 GDPR)
Right of rectification: You have the right to have personal data (incorrect name or e-mail address, for example) rectified or completed in connection with the purpose of the processing. (Art. 16 GDPR)
Right to erasure: You have the right to have personal data erased, subject to certain conditions and exceptions provided for by applicable law (legal obligations of EQUITY NATION in particular). (Art. 17 GDPR)
Right to limit processing: If you object to the processing of your data, you can ask EQUITY NATION to limit this processing, and we will process your request as quickly as possible. While your request is being processed, you can also ask us to freeze the use of your data.
Right to portability: You have the right to request to obtain the data you have provided in a structured and readable format, and to reuse it for personal use or to transfer it to a third party. (Art. 20 GDPR)
Right to object: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for reasons relating to your particular situation. (Art. 21 of the GDPR)
Right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority: Without prejudice to any recourse before an administrative court or any other court, you may lodge a complaint with the CNIL if you consider that your data has been processed in violation of the applicable regulations (Art. 77 of the GDPR)
You can exercise all these rights by contacting us by one of the following means:
– By mail: EQUITY NATION 139 rue de l'ouest 75014 Paris
– By e-mail: bonjour@fresquedelequitefr

This Privacy Policy is governed by French law and any dispute relating thereto will be brought before the courts of Paris.

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